Why it helps if you subscribe

I launched paid subscriptions in September, 2023. You can read more about paid subscriber benefits here.

However, free subscriptions are also much appreciated! Here’s my quick pitch to you:

  1. As I’ve learned, email newsletters — and particularly this one so far — have very high open rates. Empirically, people who signed up have Silver Bulletin have found most of the posts useful and engaging.

  2. Newsletters are very much a slow burn as compared to other ways of distributing content, relying more on referrals and word-of-mouth, and with a longer shelf life. Email opens are a key driver of this, especially if you’re also sharing the posts you find most useful.

  3. The medium-term outlook for Twitter/X and other social media platforms is unstable, so subscribing is the easiest way to stay in touch.

How to reach me for urgent inquiries

NATE DOT SILVER DOT MEDIA AT GMAIL DOT COM. Or find someone who knows me.

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Essays and analysis about elections, media, sports, poker, and all the other things I care about.


https://www.natesilver.net/ Really just a poker player at heart, but I sometimes make election forecasts and write about things.
Silver Bulletin Assistant Elections Analyst and incoming MSc student at The London School of Economics studying social statistics