And — here’s the mean part — if you don’t want that, you deserve what you get.

Liberals in deep blue states have been getting what they asked for and it is an epic failure every time.

$20 minimum wage for fast food workers. - Companies close on them

“Bail Justice” reform - crime goes up. They lie and say it isn’t but NYC has the military in their subways.

Open borders - Democrats losing black and Hispanic (ironically) working voters after white democrats said don’t send them to our neighborhoods and make it our problem. We support it in voice only.

The best thing that can happen FOR liberals is they DONT get what they ask for. Getting what they ask for just makes Trump look better and better.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

How about try winning elections campaigning on your ideas rather than relying on judges or the administrative state to impose your agenda undemocratically?

If your ideas are not popular enough to win large majorities and pass legislation then a partisan justice or two is just a band-aid. Your ideas are the problem.

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A decidedly Conservative Supreme Court will be needed to unwind many of the bad decisions by decades of liberal majorities that inevitably led to the situation we currently find ourselves in. The Constitution has been a matter of convenience for liberals - only honored as needed. A 40 year conservative majority will go a long way toward restoring respect for our founding precepts.

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I would point out the most common outcome on SCOTUS is still 9-0, or 8-1. In short, regardless of party affiliation, they agree far more than they disagree. So that tends to weaken the importance of SCOTUS, relative to other institutions.

I don't agree with all the outcomes SCOTUS decides, but I abide by them. It's the least political branch of government.

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Oh please. Sonia Sotomayor is 12 years younger than Joe Biden. The wrong person is being asked to resign.

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"And — here’s the mean part — if you don’t want that, you deserve what you get." What I actually want is relief from commentators who view Supreme Court decisions as simply another data point for Republican/Democrat axes. I am far more concerned as to how Supreme Court decisions comport with protecting our Constitutional form of government than I am with how the decisions appear to commentators who can't see past the typical zero-sum game approach. I hope Nate stays away from this in the future.

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Nate, If you don't like court rulings change the laws. The role of the court isn't to re-write laws that aren't convenient to leftist outcomes.

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If Justice Sotomayor does retire this year, there's one Biden-appointed judge who could probably cruise through: Ana Reyes. She has shown that she is no bond-servant of Biden or the Democratic Party when she blasted the DOJ for ignoring a subpoena. Now, I'm fine with it if there becomes a 7-2 conservative majority; but if they want to keep the seat in liberal hands, with a female Hispanic Justice who won't be too controversial, I think Reyes is the one.

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Maybe it's even worse than that. A 7-2 majority will bring the liberals to despair and cause them to try to implement the "pack the court" plan. This, in turn, will collapse the constitutional order and lay the groundwork for the disintegration of the United States and the secession of states.

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Stop using SCOTUS as a super-legislative branch from which there is no appeal.

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Progressive political outcomes through SCOTUS rulings? Isn't that what has destroyed faith in jurisprudence today? Judges don't make policies, legislatures do. The left has made judicial appts so crucial because they can't pass their policy agenda through democratic legislatures. May they continue to fail gloriously, led by the likes of Nate Silver and Sonia Sotomayor.

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This article is exactly what is awry in America. The Supreme Court has one and one job only: To determine if what the federal (and state and local) governments are doing is Constitutional. Not if it agrees with some feminazi idea about reproduction or DEI or affirmative action or using the forces of the executive branch (or Congress in the J6 "Committee") to atack and jail Americans. That it doesn't function that way is what is wrong and is likely unfixable. Particularly in a nation that still has over 1,000,000 abortions a year, has had 65 to 70 million "legal" abortions since 1973, and as a result has the largest single voting bloc in America somewhere between 45 and 50 million women who have had abortions. Felonious murder is a crime. Abortion is murder. Convict those women of murder which in all states will remove their right to vote. You don't even have to lock them up for long, say 6 weeks in the blackest male prisons in America. Problem solved. Think of the fun they'll have. America saved. Liberal scum go byebye.


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I would like to see 9 originalist judges serving together on the Supreme Court... not "conservative", not "liberal"... Originalist. The idea that we need a balance of conservatives and liberals has nothing to do with the actual role. We need judges that interpret law... not legislate from the bench.

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The abject cynicism of this is breathtaking. The reason the Constitution sets Supreme Court Justices' terms at life (assuming "good behavior") is to ensure the Justices remain as insulated from transient political pressures as possible. I cannot think of a more blunt, partisan ploy than pressuring a Justice to go now and die a day later. Pressuring a Justice to become a partisan over one or another case is bad enough, This is forcing her to be a partisan in a more fundamental way. If for no other reason, I hope Sotomayor resists this pressure as a principled stand in favor of the independence of the judiciary. I wish her well, and a long life into and beyond the next Trump presidency. Here's to Sonia Maria Sotomayor, the Notorious SMS.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

The inability of leftists to inflict their ideology on society through legislation only highlights the importance of their controlling the supreme court so it can be used to do so.

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Personally, I think this is real s***ty. I’m not a fan of Justice Sotomayor, but let her make the decision as to whether she wants to continue or not. I didn’t know until last week she was diabetic. And, if the elected elite looked around, they’d see plenty of people with medical conditions working in high and low stress jobs. Only goes to show how corrupt these politicians really are.

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