Who owns the IP to Fivey Fox??!

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Nate, thank you very much for everything you've done over the years, our collective knowledge base over multiple topics is so much better thanks to all the contributions you'd made and led. It was a real pleasure getting to watch to one of your live podcasts and to meet you several years ago when you visited Boise. Despite the devastating news that has happened recently, I'm sure that you'll have more bright and insightful things to contribute elsewhere that are going to be great. Very much ;ooking forward to the next chapter!

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Nate, as someone who grew up fairly ignorant of politics and not particularly oriented towards math, 538 contributed so much to my understanding of statistics, politics, and being able to tune out a lot of the noise of modern news. Thank you for everything you and your amazing team have done and I can’t wait to see what everyone does after getting through this tough season

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There is so little data driven, informative discussion in the sports space still. ESPN seems more and more tied to the inflammatory take style of sports discussion which seems to make fans dumber and dumber. Would love to see you or some others from 538 take on the role of teaching how teams actually use sports analytics to improve outcomes.

Thanks for the infotainment you’ve already put out and the large volume yet to come!

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JxmyHighroller x Nate Silver crossover episode when???

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

Good luck Nate - hoping you find a way to keep the presidential & soccer models going!

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Brit here. I so valued the podcast, in particular, for giving me a quick(ish) and - crucially - reasonably disinterested take on major events in US politics, especially elections when it was very difficult to work out which bits of horserace coverage were biased/hopeful/inflected etc.

I feel like you've taken a lot of flack (especially on Twitter) from - frankly - deeply invested oddballs who can't separate 'reporting' from 'opinion'. If you're saying you've had it up to here with the whole crapshoot then I can't say I blame you, but I will be really sorry to see you exit the field and you'll be much missed.

I think you built a really special, interesting, distinctive and informative thing and you should feel very good about that. I will miss it a whole lot, especially when the next US election cycle ramps up. Thanks for everything and best of luck in whatever comes next.

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Nate, I am shaking my head. Speechless. Thank you (and the other 538 folks) for your huge contributions to our political discourse and data-driven journalism. However, while a bummer for sure, I’m looking forward to seeing what super cool stuff happens next.

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I pay for almost no written media, but I will subscribe to whatever you ultimately decide to put out. Especially if it includes a podcast and doubly so if Clare's on it!

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Sorry to hear about what happened, but talented people always land on their feet and I am sure the same will be true of those at FiveThirtyEight who have been affected.

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I would subscribe the hell out of a podcast with you and Clare, just saying. Although I understand it must be hard to make that kind of thing worth your while.

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I'm disappointed to see fivethirtyeight get the axe. The disney-philes among us knew there were issues with cash flow and Iger had to make hard decisions, but a group like yours... and you... provided a powerful scientific approach to the predictive process. Losing that... and you... will have repercussions for them down the road. Good luck, and thanks for all the models.

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Nate I’ve admired your pluck since the layoffs that saw Clare leave the Five Thirty Eight crew. That was when I could feel something awful in the water. Well a new time has come and I’m so so so glad you’ll be in control of model rights and your destiny going forward. Way to be proactive in negotiations to leave these doors open for yourself!

My wish (far fetched, maybe?) is for you and three or four hard hitting folks (Clare, if gettable, is a must) to re-unite and do amazing subscriber based journalism and analysis. Broad topic coverage is better, and it was always about the chemistry not the content. Seems to me subscriptions have never been more viable and folks like Josh Barro and Very Serious showing a solid path forward.

You have an insanely loyal reader and listener base. Get rid of the corporate overhead and just have fun, the content was always better when it was fun driven anyway — good chemistry always blew away “good or bad use of polling” scenarios.

In any case, can’t wait to read your book — best of luck going forward.

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This is crazy. I like Galen Druke, but I find it hard to imagine myself still listening to the 538 podcast without you there, Nate - and especially not without your models.

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I think you have plenty to do in the field of helping the general public understand probability, prediction markets, and data aggregation in general. I would LOVE to hear a conversation with you and Dom Luszczyszyn at The Athletic about this in the NHL universe.

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Looking forward to the book. I have spent a lot of time thinking about risk-calculation first as an academic and now as a nurse, and I feel like it is an under-investigated / poorly-understood topic.

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Nate —

I've followed you for years.

As a senior editor/executive at Fox News and a in my 90's-era political career, I've been a student, analyzer and reporter of political polling for many years.

I didn't always agree with your methodologies, and clucked my share of internal "told you so's" at the end of 2016, you've always been intellectually honest, perhaps today's rarest – and most needed – qualities in today's political discourse.

Feel free to reach out anytime – kenlacorte @ gmail com – if there's anything I could do for you, or if you find yourself in San Francisco with some time on your hands. I look forward to seeing your next venture.

— Ken

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