Yes ignore the election that's 14 months away and find a place to put up your dang NFL model, I'm jonesin hard!

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If you are at all concerned about America, Our Values, Our, Rights, Freedoms, Energy Independence, God and Country.......then Damn It, now is the time, For We The People to Stand Up and Fight For America! End the L/P/D/S/M/C, Their, Hate, Race Baiting, Freedom hating, Sexual devaluing of Our Moral Rights and Responsibilities and Our Nation, Reinstate The Draft of All Citizens to national service for two years minimum, Build The Border Wall, Return the Illegal Aliens to Their countries, Rebuild Our Military, get rid of Woke in every segment of our lives!

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It might be too late to comment on the other post, but what was the median age of _voters_ actually voting in recent elections? And in swing states? (I could not Google this up easily.)

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Good question! Considering the population of the states themselves, I would guess 60+. But that is rank speculation based on exactly zero data.

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Does this look kosher? It would be so nice to see this more granular than these broad age groups.


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It looks reasonable to me. Old people do vote in large numbers, so that part checks out at least.

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Eyeballing worked: the national median voter age is indeed 55 based on the Census files KFF worked from. (The numbers come from a margin of error, so it is not tabulated from voter files, as I expected.)

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The median age might be besides the point. I'm typing this from the future and Biden polls better in the battleground states than the nation at large... but Nate's outline didn't change that much in my future. Perhaps @Alex Karjerker is right I should touch grass.


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I'd just like to take a moment to note that because it appears the GA criminal case will not be removed to federal court - Meadows had the best shot, and he lost (subject to appeal! yay!) - the entire trial will be televised.

(Complete shit show. Almost literally).

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I appreciate you not linking to the engagement bait tweets

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Sage advice! A year is a long time!

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Why is "1" (Biden could win) plausible for/to you?

Is it the fact that the mainstream media work overtime to cover up Biden's (or rather "Xiden's") corruption? Or is it the fact that the vast majority of the mouth-breathers who somehow got the "vote" will "vote" for Xiden? Or is the fact that the Dem vote harvesting machinery will ensure that, come what may, Xiden will once again be "installed" as "pResident"?

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Okay I’ll bite: why are you calling him Xiden? Is there some conspiracy theory that the guy who passed the CHIPS act is somehow in Xi’s pocket? Or is there something he did that you’re claiming is CCP-like?

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"Minority" majority of the country disapprove of Biden's presidency now majority of the country approve Trump's presidency and now Trump is beating Biden in the polls easily

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In polls asking, "Do you approve of Trump's 4 years in office?" over 51% say they do; that's 10% higher than Biden's approval rating.

Trump wins above 50% of the vote when undecided voters are forced to choose.

Lol, Nikki Haley would lose, along with everyone else running except for Trump. They would immediately start out losing almost twenty million Trump voters on day 1 of the campaign. That's assuming Trump has some health issue and has to drop out for them to even become the nominee. Otherwise, you are just talking nonsense.

Coping and saying you only lose by 1 nationally, which would mean a Trump electoral college landslide, shows how far down you really are. At the same time in the 2020 election, you were claiming it would be a Biden landslide. In 2016, you were claiming Hillary is already president, the election is over, and now you try and cope and say it's "still anybody's game." That means you are losing badly.

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It's really interesting how deluded Liberals can be they can at the same time advocate for their political opponents being arrested and barred from running while calling their opponents "authoritarian" do you even know what that word means?

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And yet Trump is winning in the polls

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Polls are reliable when you put them into perspective aka medium of D+2-4 bias against Trump which further shows Biden is dead in the water and losing even more badly than the polls show

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The polls on average overrated Biden by 3+ points ( 6 for your beloved failing new york times )

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So say we all.

Also, never hurts to go touch some more grass.

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"The polls will still be there when you get back" -- is this a riff off "The (poker) games will still be there when you get back"?

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Libs keep crying 'BUT BLUMPF IS ONLY 3 YEARS YOUNGER!!!' and Bernie Sanders is 2 years older than Biden, but nobody says he isn't competent enough to serve office because Bernie doesn't have Dementia. Biden, meanwhile, does. It's not an age issue, it's a competence and coherence issue.

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https://twitter.com/DontWalkRUN/status/1700886354966573388 Democrats should watch this video and then try and justify that Biden isn't demented and is "fit to serve" they can't do it

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Little Nate is really mad that Trump is winning sorry for you Nate that won't change 1 year from now besides Trump's lead growing larger #TRUMP2024 #MAKEAMERICAGREATAGAIN

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Nate Plastic is really triggered that Trump is winning so he wants everyone to ignore the polls so Nate can justify saying ORANGE MAN BAD BLUMPF CAN'T WIIIIN Despite winning in every poll and being the clear favorite if the election was tomorrow nobody could argue that 'Trump can't win' in reality Biden could not win

You claim Biden winning is still more likely which is total lunacy how is the guy losing nationally who has to at least win by 3 points minimum to even have a chance in the electoral college and is also running against Trump who has outperformed his poll numbers every single time how is Biden winning in that case? You will never admit that Trump is the favorite even if he started polling +10 nationally then you'd call everyone to ignore the polls you're a lunatic

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Would like to go with ignore the race for now, but that probably won't happen. Pacing sounds good. Tell me when: some sort of real actual consequential Trump legal news has been decided. Like really, actually decided as in can he run or not, yes or no. I'll want to know who wins the primaries. I want to know how polls are looking this time next year. Also at this time next year I will be absolutely freaked out about it. I apologize in advance for the monster I will become.

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Same. The reveal from the GA grand jury the other day has me steeling myself for the worst re the indictments: for each of the defendants, at least one grand juror voted against indictment. In the trial, one petit juror can prevent a conviction. What are the odds that at least one hardened, nullification-minded MAGA warrior getting onto the panel and refusing to convict regardless of the evidence? Not sure, but they’re surely too high.

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NC should be in play because it won’t have a Democratic Senate candidate that implodes over a sex scandal…that guy would have been a VP shortlister in 2028 had he just kept it in his pants!




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2nd time a seemingly dynamic, existing Democratic senatorial candidate imploded over a sex scandal. Maybe someone in the Research Triangle should make it their thesis to investigate the cause?

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Lol North Carolina is not in play, you absolute clown. How stupid can you be? Biden is not going to gain a single percentage point in a single state in the entire country. He is down 5 points if not more compared to 2020 nationally. North Carolina, being R+7, is 5 times more likely than it being even D+0.1.

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