Just look at deep blue Chicago where “undocumented” immigrants are getting priority over actual residents. People aren’t happy about it nor should they be. Open borders are killing the Dems.

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Yep. Dems (especially "progressives") deny reality at their own peril. It's a class thing, in the end: Dems used to be for the workingman; now Dems are for young white rich elite Wokeness. (Actually the Dem party is *not* solely for that but the loud 8% progressive minority who have captured media creates this perception.) Working class voters of all races are fed up with Dems and I don't blame them. Racializing everything and worrying about the .0001% of trans people (mostly rich white kids) and ignoring crime and immigration (which mostly affects working-class and low-income people) is a losing game. People are sick of the constant gaslighting, denial and projection. Time for change. I personally do not like Trump at all; nor do I think he's a solution. But Dems are failing.

I wrote about Black Americans' views re Pew research here (like you said: Not progressive): https://michaelmohr.substack.com/p/some-surprising-data-on-black-americans

Michael Mohr

"Sincere American Writing"


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Trump is a necessary hammer to smash the system out of its navel-gazing complacency.

No one likes getting hit by a hammer. Hammers aren't aesthetically pleasing. But they serve a useful purpose.

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Young men of all backgrounds are shifting dramatically to Republicans. The podcast ecosphere is filled with young men of diverse background lamenting on Democrat rule.

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It was only a matter of time before the charade that the Democrat Party actually cares about people of color would disintegrate. From slavery and the KKK to the horrible Jim Crow laws of the last century the Democrats have a long history of racism and using the underprivileged for political purposes.

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Biden’s open borders policies are now responsible for a growing measles outbreak in Chicago. Oh, and there’s a diarrhea outbreak at O’hare. Be careful changing planes. He is the gift that keeps on giving.

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Two points:

1. I remember the polling numbers among Blacks looked good for Trump in 2020, but the election results weren't as good. (I will leave aside the question of whether big city fraud was a factor in that.)

2. I live in South Texas. Yet I was blown away by how strong Trump was in the Rio Grande Valley in 2020. He took counties that have gone Democrat since FDR. Hispanics really are realigning. They certainly are in Texas.

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The amount of denialism among my fellow liberals is astonishing. I think we're looking at a 1980 style landslide.

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As long as Biden refuses to hold extended interviews with serious journalists, not the partisan cable entertainment news crowd and hold long overdue unscripted press conferences how can Democrats expect to turn this around. If the argument is I am not Trump, or the economy which to many working class families have not benefited nearly as much as those fully invested in the stock market then trouble lies ahead. Remember how many working class independents come home and over the dinner table talk about January 6 as opposed to those rising mortgage payments or the cost of living? To attack Trump Democrats will need more than a partisan SOTU speech read off a teleprompter where once Biden went off script he used the offensive term illegals! If Trump did that Katie bar the door.

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Turns out that Hispanics don’t like open borders, blacks don’t like defunding the police and Asians don’t like leveling-down educational excellence in the name of “equity.”

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I can't wait to watch Chicago swing when their beloved'sanctuary city' actually has to give'sanctuary''to illegals. 

Reminder: It took a few thousand illegals shipped to New York, and Democrats lost their minds, but Texas had to deal with millions of illegals for years. I really hope they are shipped into the liberal haven of New England. Vermont could use some 'diversity' ; maybe send Biden's new Haitian friends over there. 

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Biden and Democrats haven’t solved the issues that people need them to solve. Inflation was bad. They released a $7tn budget proposal, and funded huge EV incentives which aren’t wanted by the public to name just two. The other issues are crime, homelessness and drug addiction. On top of that immigration. I’m not saying that republicans will do any better- they usually increase spending, cut taxes and fail to fix the immigration system but there’s two parties and one holds the presidency. It’s about policies, not Bidens age or trumps court cases.

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Nate, what do you think you're doing by posting that chart from the FT?

It's pure stupidity.

The last date point is at 2020, and those arrows are not based on anything.

A younger, more honest, Nathanial would have been outraged.

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Excellent article Nate

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There's been a gap starting to open between nonwhite voters and their "community leaders", and especially between them and "community organizers". It was particularly stark in Virginia in 2021. In the city of Richmond, where such organizers are as thick as grass on the ground, McAuliffe's results among minority voters were about as usual. But Youngkin did very well among minority voters outside the city and outside the inner Washington suburbs, where the people who administer the grant programs that benefit community organizers live.

Another point that was made last night on one program is that this minority progress, especially among black voters, is not even. Black women still support Democrats about as they always have done since 1964. But black men, often bearing the brunt of "progressive" social agendas, are shifting, and shifting fast.

There's a new acronym that describes the new base of the Democratic Party: "AWFL" (Affluent White Female Liberals). That is now the group to whom the Democratic Party most caters.

You're definitely right about one thing. The term "liberal" is no longer an accurate description of what is going on in this new Democratic base. The word "progressive" is used, though I dislike its new use when it formerly meant Teddy Roosevelt, Bob LaFollette and, the last example of that movement, Bob Dole. It may not be too much of a stretch to call it "socialist" or "Marxist", though, with only a couple of examples, "Marxist-Leninist" would indeed be a stretch. But this is what is taught in universities across the country. (And I'm a professor in a graduate school where such things are NOT taught.)

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Indeed, this one of the reasons why the polls are cooked - large sample hispanic polls do not show massive decline from 2020, large sample black polls don't, large sample young-voter polls also do not.

If Trump wins, it'll be because of white voters and erasing Biden's gains among suburban whites in 2020.

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